Secured Business Loans

The success and growth of business often demands access to additional funding. If your small business needs extra money, Secured Loans may be the tool you that you need to overcome challenges and to capitalize on opportunities.

What is a Secured Business Loan?

Secured Loans are offered by financial institutions to business owners that are in need of capital to grow and existing business or pay for ongoing business expenses. These loans require collateral up front which then reduce the risks for the lending party, which in turn will allow a lower interest rate that can be repaid easily by the business owner.

How Can I Acquire a Secured Business Loan?

Using a Secured Business Loan is a great approach to guarantee a lower loan rate, a more drawn out reimbursement period, and the chance to construct credit and build a relationship amongst lenders. EML works with companies to understand the past, current, and future of the client in order to give you the best advice possible.


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1-844-EML-FUND (365-3863)