Secured Business Loans

Sometimes getting a short-term loan is exactly what a business needs. A loan that you can pay back in three or five years instead of five to ten years. Most people think of businesses loans as a long term loan from the bank, however, short term loans have become more and more popular for business owners to take advantage of opportunities quickly.

Short Term Loan, Long Term Gains

Short Term financing usually has higher approval rates than that of long-term bank loans.

EML offers short term small business loans with three month to three year terms from $5,000 to $1,000,000. Coupled with superior service and advice it's one of the best ways to help give your business the boost it needs.

Short term business loans can really help build your business credit. Unlike merchant cash advance, EML Capital Group's short-term loans for businesses are reported to credit bureaus the same as bank loans.

Short term small business loans also give you the right to qualify for larger loans and terms that extend longer at a later date. If you successfully pay off six month loan, then it will help you qualify for a longer term loan should the need arise again in the future.

Our application process is simple. We don’t require any credit card receivables for this process. EML offers a wide range of funding options that can be tweaked and customized according to your business, your cash flow and your time. It doesn't matter how much you borrow; whether it’s $10,000 or $10 million, the process is just the same…simple, quick, efficient, and of course, no upfront fees.

Call us at EML Capital Group to discuss your working capital problems and know about our convenient short-term business loan program.


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1-844-EML-FUND (365-3863)